Wrist Wraps

160,00 NOK 184,00 NOK

Wrist Wraps | Fitness/Workout/Sports Wrist Wraps | Wrist Protectors 

The Wrist Wraps will protect you during lifting (heavy) weights by keeping your wrists safe. A must have item for anyone who wants to stay injury free during training.

  • 18 inches of fabric, 4cm of velcro & rubber patch

 Norge 🇳🇴

  • 113 NOK 
  • Gratis med 1700 NOK


*Bestillinger til Norge kan være momspliktige. Vi har ingen innflytelse på om det belastes merverdiavgift og beløp. For mer informasjon vil vi anbefale å kontakte ditt lokale tollkontor


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