Should I Weigh My Food When Trying To Lose Fat?

Should I weigh my food when trying lose fat? Can I just 'eat healthy'?

The first thing we need to do is to determine how many calories we need. Click here after finishing reading to calculate yours!

The second thing we need to do is to determine if we want to guess by eye balling our food or to measure what we eat

The honest answer to the question: you should probably weigh your food. Especially in the beginning, if you are new in the world of calories and losing fat. Most people that are new do not have sufficient knowledge to estimate their calories correctly.

And even if you have sufficient knowledge on how many calories an item contains, determining portion and serving sizes can be tricky. Especially on dense foods, such as peanut butter and olive oil. Did you also know that food labels are allowed to be 20% inaccurate?

If you measure by weighing, you can almost be certain that the amount of calories you take in is correct. It would be a waste to invest in healthy eating by buying the right groceries and having the discipline to stay away from junk food but to lack results because your portion sizes are off.

After going through a long period of learning and measuring portion sizes you may be a bit less strict in general. Your eye-balling skills have reached a good level.

But if you want to get absolutely shredded, measuring is still the way to go as the margins for error get smaller. The details determine if you get alright or great results!