'Stubborn' Hip & Belly Fat: How To Lose It!

How do I lose fat around my belly, hips and waist?

We are sorry to disappoint right away, but the answer is that losing fat in targeted areas (spot reduction) is almost impossible. 

The areas we usually want to see the fat disappear first are actually often the last places it leaves. There is some genetic variation among people but the belly, love handles and lower back are often the last placed for most men to get lean. For women these areas are often the hips and thighs.

But why, you ask?

The reason has mostly to do with evolution. To protect our vital organs around the waist and reproductive system (for women) we tend to collect fat around these areas first. The exact reason why our body wants to get rid of it last as well.

The answer: ‘The Spartan way’

If we want to get rid of the body fat around these places the only thing we can do it to be in calorie deficit for long enough. During your fat loss phase you will probably see other areas get ripped first. Your arms, upper back, shoulders, legs and even your face. 

When the body has taken the fat from these places, it eventually has no choice but to pull it from your waist. Keep in mind that in order to see these places without fat, you are most likely need to reach below 10% body fat. 

Take an example of a big tub of water with a small object laying on the bottom. The water represents your fat mass. The small object at the bottom of tub represents your abs. in order for the small object to rise to the surface, we need to scoop out the almost all the water. Scoop by scoop.

This is the reason why we don’t see everyone walking around with sixpack abs. Getting there is tough, takes patience and requires a little bit of ‘suffering’.

But stoicism gets rewarded, eventually. Good luck building your Greek God physique!