Are Diet Soda's Healthy?

Can I take diet soda’s when trying to lose fat?

Diet soda’s, such as Cola Zero, have been a subject of debate ever since they came out. They are an alternative to the ‘regular’ versions that have over 8 cubes of sugar, and therefore unwanted calories in them. The sugar has been replaced with artificial sweeteners. Therefore it contains close to zero calories. Imagine we could come up with the same for pizza or hamburgers!

What people often say is that it feels like a guilt free ‘snack’ and it cures their desire for sweet drinks and food. The carbonated fluid together with the taste can in small amounts feel like a  small cure, or ‘hack’, for dealing with hunger.

So are diet soda’s the best thing ever, or are there downsides too?

The first argument that is often used is that diet soda’s arm harmful because of the aspartame in it. This has been nuanced. In order to have harmful amounts of this, you would need to drink 15,5 cans per day, for a life time - according to the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority)!

The real issues…

The real issue could occur on a more personal level. Having 1 can per day will probably not cause not many issues. However, taking a few may cause bloating. The amount of bloating after x amount of cans will vary from person to person. Not ideal in general, and especially during a fat loss phase, where you want to feel and show a flat stomach! That is why it is important to keep track of how you feel when drinking it. 

The other issue is that sometimes people forget to drink water during the day because they swapped water out for diet soda’s. This may result in you getting dehydrated. This is a very common thing to happen during the summer. If you are on a fat loss plan during warmer months of the year, it is wise to keep in mind that the diet soda’s you drink are separate from water intake you need.

If you know your limits, diet soda’s can be an excellent way to deal with hunger and to make your meal plans a bit more ‘fun’! Next time you see a can at the store, don’t run away from it. But also don’t run with your cart full of it, either!